Introducing The Education Plan Learning Center

Introducing The Education Plan Learning Center
- min read
When it comes to saving for college, it all starts with a plan. In order to put together a plan, you need information: about saving, about how 529s and other college savings vehicles work, about how other people like you are saving successfully. And you need a little inspiration and motivation along the way, too.
That’s why we created The Education Plan 529 Learning Center. It’s your single stop for learning about saving for college and reaching your financial goals. From quick videos to long-form articles, infographics and webinars, we’re here to help you save.
Let us show you around, and make sure to bookmark this page to return to when you need advice or a little push toward saving.
529 Glossary of Terms
Struggling to tell the difference between a qualified expense and a qualified distribution? Or between an index fund and a bond fund? We’re here for you with the 529 glossary of terms. Use it to help you navigate the jargon-laden wildlands of financial investing.
Helpful Videos
From quick answers to common questions to more extensive videos on complex saving and investing topics, the Learning Center’s video library is full of useful information. To get started, check out these top videos.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question, someone else probably does too. That’s why we’ve collected the answers to the most frequently asked questions our plan holders have in one place.
Timely Articles
The Learning Center features new articles every month that can help you meet your financial goals. Check out one of our latest articles on financial planning in 2022. And stay tuned for more.

Recent Articles

A College Savings
Award Program
The deadline to apply for the Saving for Success Award is December 21, 2022.