How Much Does College Really Cost?

How Much Does College Really Cost?
- min read
Saving for college for your children starts with understanding the true cost of a post-secondary education and with understanding your options when it comes to saving.
The ever-rising cost of a college education is no secret in the U.S. CNBC estimates1 that over the last 10 years, the cost of college has increased more than 25 percent. Forbes estimates2 that since the 1980s, the price of college has risen eight times faster than wages in the U.S. Meanwhile, studies3 continue to show that the wage gap between those with a high school education and those with a bachelor’s degree is widening.
Given all that, it’s no wonder parents across the country are fretting about saving enough for their children to attend college. Getting started means understanding the true cost of college, as well as your options for saving. Take our quiz to find out if you’re prepared.

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