Amplify Saving with a Little Help from Your Friends (& Family)


Amplify Saving with a Little Help from Your Friends (& Family)


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Have you ever been to a friend's garage sale, spotted a barely used toy, and thought to yourself, "Didn't I give that as a gift?" If you have, you're not alone. That trendy toy that seemed so cool last birthday or Christmas will probably collect dust and end up at a garage sale or in a donation pile.
But what if there’s a gift that has the possibility to get better with time? Investing in education is a great example.
We understand, saving for your kid's future education can feel like trying to swim a 100-meter race in a pool filled with pudding. With daily expenses increasing and unexpected costs like braces showing up at every turn, it's no wonder many people think they'll never be able to save enough for college or other future education options. Relax – you don't have to do it alone. With The Education Plan®, a 529 education savings plan, you can harness the collective power of your inner circle of friends and family members into a savings machine for your kids' education.
Meet Ugift: A Straightforward Gifting Program
Ugift is an easy-to-use feature of a 529 account with The Education Plan. It makes it convenient for your squad to contribute to your child's education savings. When you share a unique code with family and friends, they can transfer funds into your child's account. Here are just three reasons why it's worth considering.

  1. Small Gift Today, Potential Big Impact Later: Even $25 can help slash future student debt.
  2. No More Gift Drama: Aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends can stop stressing about what to get for birthdays or the holidays.
  3. It Keeps on Giving: Unlike that toy that'll be forgotten faster than last week's TikTok trend, this gift has the potential to grow over time.

It Takes a Village
It’s simple. If five friends or family members each give $50 a year from birth to age 18, that's $4,500 in initial investment. Add some compound interest earnings, and BAM! – you could have a nice chunk of change for future education. It might not cover everything, but it beats starting from zero.  Remember, while investments can earn and grow over time, they are also subject to risk and loss of initial investment. 

Making It Easy: Gift Request Inserts
Here's a way to make it easy for your friends and family. Download our gift request insert and add your Ugift code into party invites or baby shower cards. It's a subtle way of saying, "Hey, instead of another rattle, how about helping secure my kid's future?" You can use them for any celebration, including:

  • Birthday parties
  • Baby showers
  • Graduations

Playing the Long Game
Your five-year-old may not jump for joy over an education fund contribution today. But fast forward 12 or so years to graduation day when they're old enough to know how much college will cost, and they'll be thrilled that you were thoughtful enough to think ahead. For the years in between, it's a great way to teach them about saving and the value of making plans for the future.

Raising Savvy Savers
As your child gets older, discuss the benefits of their 529 account with them and encourage them to consider the value of contributing some of their own money. As active participants in saving for their future education, they'll have an opportunity to pick up some solid financial lessons like:
How compound interest can help your money grow over time
Why thinking ahead can pay off
The power of group contributing 
More Than Just Money
This is important. You're not just saving them time and effort when you encourage your friends and family to embrace education gifting over toy gifting. You're showing your child that a whole bunch of people believe in their future. The Education Plan and Ugift are like friendly life lessons that teamwork makes the dream work—especially when it comes to your kids' future.

So, next time you're planning a party for your little one, why not ask your friends on your guest list to try the "gift of education", a gift your child will thank you for years down the line.

Ready to get started? Log in to your account with The Education Plan to generate your unique Ugift code. If you don’t have an account yet, you can open one in about 15 minutes and start sending your gift code today! 


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For more information about The Education Plan, call 1.877.337.5268 or view the Plan Description and Participation Agreement, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information; read and consider it carefully before investing.

Please Note: Before you invest, consider whether your or the beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in that state’s qualified tuition program. You also should consult a financial, tax, or other advisor to learn more about how state-based benefits (or any limitations) would apply to your specific circumstances. You also may wish to contact directly your home state’s 529 plan(s), or any other 529 plan, to learn more about those plan’s features, benefits and limitations. Keep in mind that state-based benefits should be one of many appropriately weighted factors to be considered when making an investment decision.

The Education Plan is administered by The Education Trust Board of New Mexico. Ascensus College Savings Recordkeeping Services, LLC, the Program Manager, and its affiliates, have overall responsibility for the day-today operations, including investment advisory, recordkeeping and administrative services. The Education Plan’s portfolios invest in: (i) mutual funds; (ii) exchange traded funds; and/or (iii) a funding agreement issued by New York Life. Investments in The Education Plan are not insured by the FDIC. Units of the portfolios are municipal securities and the value of units will vary with market conditions.

Investment returns will vary depending upon the performance of the portfolios you choose. You could lose all or a portion of your money by investing in The Education Plan depending on market conditions. Account owners assume all investment risks as well as responsibility for any federal and state tax consequences.

Ugift is a registered service mark of Ascensus Broker Dealer Services, LLC.

The Education Plan® and The Education Plan® Logo are registered trademarks of The Education Trust Board of New Mexico used under license.

All other marks are the exclusive property of their respective owners.

Not FDIC-Insured. No Bank, State or Federal Guarantee. May Lose Value.