Take the Pledge
to Save for Higher Education
Take the first step towards saving for higher education. Join thousands of other parents, grandparents, friends and relatives of young people who are saving with a 529 plan.
How It Works
- Take the Pledge to Save
- Set a Goal to Save Each Month
- Open Your Account
- Set Automatic Contributions
- Watch Your Account Grow!

Why Take the Pledge?
Research has shown that children with savings of just $500 are three times more likely to attend and four times more likely to graduate college. Starting an educational savings count can help a child know that you believe in them and empower them to dream big. You can help them achieve their dreams and graduate with less debt by starting to save today. We’ll support you with reminders to contribute, helpful saving advice and more.
The Cost of Higher Education
Saving for college starts with understanding the true cost of a post‐secondary education. College expenses grow every year and include more than just tuition. Over the last 10 years, published in‐state tuition and fees at public four‐year universities increased at an average rate of 2.2% beyond inflation, according to the College Board.